It took approx 7 yrs to correct a serial number error on my registration certificate. I purchased a 10/22 Sturm Ruger-non restricted, registered by Dealer and took it home with temp regs. 3 weeks later, received the official registration paperwork and by chance noticed incorrect serial number 1 yr later, attempted contacts CFC by phone over 2 months, busy signals xx no contact made, wrote 2 letters over a period of 2 yrs to advise them of their error. They completely ignored my attempts to follow the law. For 7 yrs, I could have been arrested for not having the correct registration for a firearm. I kept all copies of my letters and records of attempted phone calls in case something would happen. In total, 7yrs later, the correct registration papers were received. If registration is so important, why did they wait 7 yrs to have the correct serial number of a firearm? I guess it's not important.
John 10/2010
Lol ok